The divine feminine torrent
The divine feminine torrent

The Shatkona is a six-pointed star that many recognize as the Star of David, central to Judaism. The three primary Shakti Yantras you canuse are the Sri Durga Yantra (picture above), Sri Kali Yantra and Sri Shakti Bisa Yantra. Consisting of sacred symbols such as the lotus flower, and interlocking triangles, this Yantra has helped yogis contemplate shakti, or divine feminine energy, for centuries. Similar to mandalas, Yantras are symbols which assist one to enter a meditative state. Likewise, you’ll find that the symbol for the sacral chakra has elements which resemble the Shakti Yantra described below– namely, the lotus flower, or padma. This chakra is the center of our sensuality, creativity, and emotions. It follows from the above point, then, that the sacral chakra– located a few inches below the navel– is intimately tied to shakti energy. This mudra (or “gesture”) is said to activate the sacral chakra, which is the home of your feminine, creative energy. To practice the Shakti Mudra, curl your index fingers, middle fingers, and thumbs towards your palm, while keeping your ring and pinky fingers extended then, you press the tips of your ring and pinky fingers together. We all have both Shiva and Shakti within us, and yet sometimes, we tend to get out of touch with our shakti energy in an over-masculinized world.īelow, let’s look at some symbols associated with shakti, or divine feminine energy. God or the Universe– Shakti is the life force that exists within this container, or the energy which creates all of life. Furthermore, in order to stay in balance, one’s Shakti must be on-par with one’s Shiva (or divine masculine energy).īut what exactly are divine feminine and masculine energies? Think of it this way: while Shiva is the container of still, pure consciousness– i.e. Here, you can see how the two meanings of shakti tie in with one another shakti, as divine feminine energy, is the animating life force that imbues every living being in the Universe.

the divine feminine torrent

In addition, shakti (with a lowercase “s”) also represents divine feminine energy.

the divine feminine torrent

Goddess Shakti, in Hinduism, is essentially the feminine goddess of all of creation, also known as The Divine Mother. Shakti actually represents two things in yogic tradition: the first meaning of shakti is the goddess of the same name. The word ‘shakti’ in Sanskrit means, ‘Power’. Benefits of increasing shakti energy for both men and women.

The divine feminine torrent